Certified Mold Removal and Cleanup in the Tidewater Region of VA
Mold Remediation & Inspections
Hoarding & Biohazard Cleanup
Deep Cleaning & Disinfection

Get help quickly if you think you have mold in your
Virginia home or business
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MasterTech is the most trusted source for mold removal and bio and hoarding cleanup in Virginia.

Certified, Licensed, Insured
Certified, fully insured and BBB accredited mold remediation company that provides mold removal services throughout the Tidewater Region of Virginia.

Mold Free Warranty
We offer premium-quality work with safety as our top priority, all of our services are backed by a warranty.

Trusted by HGTV & DIY
We are an award winning company that is A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and featured on HGTV & DIY Networks.

Our Services
Helping our Virginia Neighbors through life’s difficult cleanups

Certified, Professional
Mold Testing & Inspections
Our Mold Inspection & Mold Testing that finds the source using techniques such as moisture mapping and thermal imaging.

Guaranteed, Safe & Effective
Mold Removal & Remediation
Mastertech is a certified Mold Removal and a recognized leader in the mold industry with knowledgeable staff to assist you.

Guaranteed, Safe & Effective
Hoarding Cleanup
We provide compassionate and discreet hoarding cleanup services throughout the Tidewater Region of VA.

Certified, Professional
Crime & Death Scene Cleanup
Mastertech is certified to cleanup and disinfect body fluids after a death or traumatic event to ensure you and your family’s health and safety.

Guaranteed, Safe & Effective
Deep Cleaning & Disinfection
fully licensed, certified and trained to properly to handle your cleanup needs including school disinfection services.
Why Choose MasterTech?
Featured on HGTV & DIY Networks
Basement Mold Remediation
In this episode of Rescue my Renovation, Mastertech was tasked with removing heavy mold growth in the basement of this home after Hurricane Irene caused severe flooding.
Bathroom Mold Removal
After improper plumbing caused several pipe bursts and subsequent flooding, this home ended up with a major mold problem requiring extensive demolition and remediation.
Family Room Mold Remediation
In this episode of Rescue my Renovation, show host and professional contractor John DeSilvia discovered a wall at the back of the house that was completely contaminated with mold.
Tidewater Virginia’s Most Trusted
Mold Removal, Mold Testing, Bio & Hoarding Cleanup Company
Mastertech is the most trusted source for mold removal, bio and hoarding cleanup in Virginia for a reason. We offer the highest quality services for mold and bio remediation in the Tidewater Area. Not only do we offer premium-quality work with safety as our top priority, all of our services are backed by a warranty, so you are guaranteed the best results.
Our mold removal and cleanup process begins by containing the problem. Mold spores that are carried in the air pose a risk of respiratory allergies and distress. They may also spread the mold colony to previously unaffected areas. Mastertech has the equipment and training to assure proper containment during the clean-up process which is essential to complete removal.
The next step is cleaning and disposal. Mold can be safely cleaned from most surfaces without the use of toxic agents or bleach. In some cases, contaminated materials may require safe removal and disposal. Mastertech technicians are trained in the most advanced techniques for the safe, effective removal and disposal of mold-infested materials.
We aren’t finished until we’ve confirmed the job is done right. After your remediation we will conduct what is called PRV (Post Remediation Verification Testing) that enables us to verify through a mold inspection if the remediation was successful. Doing the job right the first time is what we do here at Mastertech and guarantee our mold remediations for five years.
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Do I Have Mold In My Virginia Home?
All mold needs to thrive is an adequate moisture source, dead organic matter, and warm temperatures. The nature of mold allows it to grow on…